Q: What is origin of the products and where they are shipped from?
A: All our products are handmade in Mexico and shipped from Mexico.
Q: How can I view the status of my order?
A: Go to the Customer Service, Account Information page. This page lists all your orders. Click the date of the order whose status you wish to view.
Q: What are your shipping costs?
A: You can view estimate of shipping costs by viewing your cart. However, final shipping costs will be displayed once you enter your delivery address during the checkout.
Q: How long dose it take to make a custom product (cooper range hoods, table-tops, hand painted sinks, talavera tile murals, iron table bases, etc.)?
A: It takes on average ten business days to make a custom product and about 3 weeks to deliver.
Q: What method Rustica House uses to deliver outside of Mexico?
A1: We ship once a week consolidated cargo from central Mexico to the US/Mexico border, clear US customs and hand over deconsolidated cargo to US based carriers for further delivery.
A: All our products are handmade in Mexico and shipped from Mexico.
Q: How can I view the status of my order?
A: Go to the Customer Service, Account Information page. This page lists all your orders. Click the date of the order whose status you wish to view.
Q: What are your shipping costs?
A: You can view estimate of shipping costs by viewing your cart. However, final shipping costs will be displayed once you enter your delivery address during the checkout.
Q: How long dose it take to make a custom product (cooper range hoods, table-tops, hand painted sinks, talavera tile murals, iron table bases, etc.)?
A: It takes on average ten business days to make a custom product and about 3 weeks to deliver.
Q: What method Rustica House uses to deliver outside of Mexico?
A1: We ship once a week consolidated cargo from central Mexico to the US/Mexico border, clear US customs and hand over deconsolidated cargo to US based carriers for further delivery.
Q: What is the handling time?
A: We need ten business days to collect the products from the manufacturer, professionally pack them, prepare the paperwork.
Q: How long dose it take to deliver from Mexico to my address?
A1: On average it takes a week to deliver within Mexico, 4 weeks to the US, 6 weeks to the rest of the world.
A2: Estimated delivery time might change if the item is selected by the customs for individual inspection.
Q: Am I going to receive any tracking number?
A: Yes, it will be sent out automatically by the carrier at your email address you used for making the payment.
Q: When my product is going to be shipped?
A: We ship from Mexico once a week and tracking numbers are generated within ten business days from clearing your payment.
Q: I received the tracking but it doesn't show the item ever entered the carrier's system?
A: The tracking is for the delivery from the US side of the border to the destination only. It takes at least a week for the tracking to show product movement.
Q: I received only part of the order?
A1: For some reason cartons shipped together in Mexico are often delivered a few days apart abroad.
A2: Products are shipped as soon as they become available. If some items from your order were not in stock they will follow as separate shipments as soon as available.
Q: What is the address I should deliver the product to in case I would like to return it for refund?
A:Custom Made, Recreo 11 – 367, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, zona centro 37700, Mexico